Computer = Mobile =
Spanish Lesson:
Below is a preview of each lesson, with a sound bar to hear the wording. When one of these lessons is found to be of interest, click on the title, or click the lesson from the menu on the left.
1. Names of Automobile (Car) Components.
Nombre los componentes en un automóvil, usando una frase.
2. Name Our Body Parts
Yo tengo 26 años de edad y peso 150 libras.
I am 5' 8 " tall and I wear clothes in sizes medium and large
Estoy 5' 8" alto y uso ropa en tamaños mediano y grande.
3. Clothing for Men and Women in spanish.
Cuando despertamos en la mañana, no vestimos.
What are you going to wear today?
Que va usrar usted, hoy?
4. Numbers in Spanish.
Yo aprendí a contar con mis dedos.
How many students can you see?
Cuantos estudiantes puedes ver?
There are more students than my fingers combined.
Hay más estudiantes que mis dedos juntos.
5.Time: Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, Years
Ya era tiempo!
I have been waitng for a long time.
Yo tengo mucho tiempo esperando.
But now that you have arrived, time wil fly.
Pero ya que llegaste, el tiempo va a volar.
6. Relatives - Family Member Names in Spanish.
Todo es de la familia.
Our family is very big.
Nuestra familia es muy grande.
There are so many, sometimes we lose one.
Hay tantos que a veces perdemos uno.